The information on this page applies to Instance Auditor (Confluence) as a whole and is captured here to avoid being repetitive on the child pages within this space.

Additional Information

  1. Instance Auditor (Confluence) is restricted to what Atlassian makes available via its REST API. There will be times our customers will desire additional information for specific items. While RenWare would like to accommodate its customers, we can only supply the data that Atlassian allows is to access to.

  2. Deletion and Bulk Deletion have been added to Instance Auditor (Confluence). However, the deletion functionality is limited to what Atlasssian allows via the REST API.

  3. Select/Deselect All is available for the complete dataset or on a per page basis.

    1. Click the checkbox in the header row above the column that contains the checkboxes for each row to Select/Deselect All rows returned in the returned dataset.

    2. Click the button with the checkbox as its image to Select/Deselect All rows on a per page basis.

  4. Expand/Collapse All is available for the complete dataset or on a per page basis.

    1. Click the plus/minus sign in the header row above the column that contains the plus/minus symbol for each row to Expand/Collapse All rows in the returned dataset.

    2. Click the button with the Up/Down Arrow as its image to Expand.Collapse All rows on a per page basis.

  5. In the second column of each tab, you will see a green plus symbol. This symbol is clickable and will display a new row of information.

  6. The Column Visibility button will help you control which columns are exported. You should also note that the export process will export selected rows. So if you only want to export a subset of the data, simply select the desired rows prior to performing any of the copy or export operations.

IMPORTANT NOTE: RenWare is constantly monitoring the Atlassian REST APIs for updates by Atlassian and will update Instance Auditor (Confluence) accordingly as new functionality becomes available.


Each tab is equipped with a set of the following buttons:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The delete button will only appear on tabs that Atlassian allows for content to be deleted.

Special Columns

The first (3) columns of each table contains the following: