Things to know

Things to know

The information on this page applies to Instance Auditor (Jira) as a whole and is captured here to avoid being repetitive on the child pages within this space.

Important information to know

  1. Instance Auditor (Jira) functionality is restricted to what Atlassian makes available via its REST API. There will be times our customers will desire additional information or functionality for specific items. While RenWare would like to accommodate its customers, we can only supply the data that Atlassian allows access to.

  2. Some areas may appear that the total count is off. One such area is Statuses where you will potentially see many more statuses in your instance than those displayed via Instance Auditor (Jira). The Atlassian REST API endpoints will have additional restrictions in certain areas. Staying with our example, Atlassian’s REST API only pulls statuses that are actively being used.

    1. While this may seem like a negative, it is actually in line with the purpose of Instance Auditor (Jira). Simply export a report of statuses from the app and then compare it to the content listed in Jira’s built-in Statuses area. You can easily see which statuses can be removed because they are inactive and do not appear on the Instance Auditor (Jira) exported list. Same goes for any other area where you feel your instance has more data than what Instance Auditor (Jira) is showing.

  3. Atlassian allows next-generation projects to be retrieved, but currently does not allow next-generation project information to be retrieved--such as workflows.

  4. Deletion and Bulk Deletion have been added to Instance Auditor (Jira). However, the deletion functionality is limited to what Atlasssian allows via the REST API. You will see a trash can icon on the button ribbon for any areas where Atlassian allows delete functionality.

  5. Deletion and Bulk Deletion works for any table pages that are not in view. Of course, you have the option to expand the table so your selections are within your immediate view. But in case you have a lot of data that still requires the paging feature, rest assured that the delete functionality works across pages.

  6. Select/Deselect All is available for the complete dataset or on a per page basis.

    1. Click the checkbox in the header row above the column that contains the checkboxes for each row to Select/Deselect All rows returned in the returned dataset.

    2. Click the button with the checkbox as its image to Select/Deselect All rows on a per page basis.

  7. Expand/Collapse All is available for the complete dataset or on a per page basis.

    1. Click the plus/minus sign in the header row above the column that contains the plus/minus symbol for each row to Expand/Collapse All rows in the returned dataset.

    2. Click the button with the Up/Down Arrow as its image to Expand.Collapse All rows on a per page basis.

  8. In the second column of each tab, you will see a green plus symbol. This symbol is clickable and will display a new row of information.

  9. The Column Visibility button will help you control which columns are exported. You should also note that the export process will export selected rows. So if you only want to export a subset of the data, simply select the desired rows prior to performing any of the copy or export operations.

  10. In the event you would like to export a subset of the returned data, you can use the search feature to reduce the amount of exported data.

RenWare is constantly monitoring the Atlassian REST APIs for updates by Atlassian and will update Instance Auditor (Jira) accordingly as new functionality becomes available.

The Audit Indicators

Each tab contains a total number of items in the table/dataset and an Audit indicator. The indicator categories are listed below along with a brief description of what each one means.

GOOD: NO CLEANUP REQUIRED: A green audit indicator means that the area of interest is in good shape and nothing needs to be done. This also means that this particular area is not impacting the performance of your instance.

WARNING: CONSIDER CLEANUP: A yellow audit indicator means that the area of interest has entered the zone where a cleanup may be necessary. If this area just entered the yellow zone, then a cleanup most likely isn’t necessary and performance is most likely not being impacted. However, you’ll want to monitor that specific area to make sure it doesn’t enter the red zone.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is important to state that too many yellow zone areas can impact the performance of your Jira instance. If you have more than (5) yellow zone areas, it is recommended that you 1) closely monitor the yellow zone area and 2) cleanup as many areas as possible. For example, if you instance has too many Resolutions or Priorities, it is recommended to clean these up as they are typically easy target areas. However, they provide minimal value towards the performance of the instance as they are not heavy usage areas. Bigger targets such as unused Issue Types, Workflows and various Schemes are more challenging to cleanup, but provide significant performance gains.

BAD: CLEANUP REQUIRED: A red audit indicator means these areas should be reviewed and cleaned up immediately, especially if they are in target areas known to have a significant impact on the performance of an instance. Unused Filters that are linked to Boards and/or Dashboards and also pull a very large dataset are prime targets as well as Issue Types, Workflows, Fields, Field Configurations and so on.

Standard Button Ribbons

Each tab is equipped with a set of the following buttons:

  • Select/Deselect All: Selects/Deselects every row on the current page.

  • Expand/Collapse All: Expands/Collapses every row on the current page.

  • Copy: Copy the table data to the clipboard.

  • CSV: Export the table data into CSV format.

  • Excel: Export the table data into a .xlsx Excel format.

  • PDF: Export the table data into .pdf format.

  • Print: Print your data directly from the app.

  • Column Visibility: Select which columns to display visually or for exporting.

  • Delete: Jira Admins can delete individual projects or delete projects in bulk.

The delete button will only appear on tabs that Atlassian allows for content to be deleted.

Specialty Button Ribbons

On the Active Projects and Deleted Projects tabs, there are additional buttons to be aware of that are specific to these tabs.

  • Archive Projects: In the first image is the button ribbon on the Active Projects tab. The ninth button (on the left side of the trash can button) is used to archive the selected projects instead of deleting them.

  • Restore Projects: In the second image is the button ribbon on the Deleted Projects tab. The last button in the ribbon is the Restore button. If you want to reactivate projects in this list, you simple select their rows and click this button.

Special Columns

The first (3) columns of each table contains the following:

  • Select/Deselect All: Toggling this column header will select or deselect every row in the returned data set.

  • Expand/Collapse All: Toggling this column header will expand or collapse every row in the returned data set.

  • Index: This column just numbers the rows. However, it is not sortable as only the actual data will sort.