Content Auditor Section Breakdown
Lorenzo Phillips
Below is a brief summary of each of the Content Auditor sections (viewed as links in the application.
This section contains charts that are a visual representation of the Content Auditor sections (Global, Project, Scheme, JSM and Instance.
The bar charts were created to give the user a quick overview of the totals contained on each tab under this area.
This section contains charts that provide a breakdown of key metric areas that are essential to the daily duties of a Jira Administrator. Metrics such as a breakdowns of:
Jira projects by:
Statuses: Active, Archived and Deleted
Templates: Software, Business and Service Desk
Categories: Classic vs Next-gen
Jira statuses by Status Categories:
To Do
In Progress
No Category
Jira boards by:
Filters by Permission Levels
This section represents content in Jira that is at a global level or another way of stating this is it is not project specific. The following information can be found under this area in tabular format:
Active Projects
Contains options to archive or delete Projects
Be sure to pay attention to the confirmation popups as you responses will dictate whether the project goes into the Trash Bin or is permanently removed from the instance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Projects that are permanently deleted CANNOT BE RECOVERED unless it is restored from a backup. If you require a restore, then you will need to open a support ticket with Atlassian.
Archived Projects
Deleted Projects
Contains an option to Restore Projects in the Trash Bin
Project Categories
Contains an option to delete Project Categories
Project Roles
Issue Link Types
Contains an option to delete Issue Link Types
This section represents content in Jira that is at the project level or content that is closer to the daily operations of Jira projects:
Issue Types
Contains an option to delete Issue Types
IMPORTANT NOTE: Issue Types must be inactive for successful deletion. If active, you will receive an error message and that selection will remain and be deselected.
Field Configurations
Contains an option to delete Boards
Contains an option to delete Dashboards
Contains an option to delete Filters
This section provides a summary of content that is specific to the schemes. Information on the following schemes can be obtained:
Issue Type Schemes
Workflow Schemes
Contains an option to delete Workflows
Screen Schemes
Issue Type Screen Schemes
Field Configuration Schemes
Notification Schemes
Permission Schemes
Contains an option to delete Permission Schemes
Issue Security Schemes