Instance Info

Instance Info

The Instance Info tab displays information regarding the actual instance.


  • Instance Key Name: Displays the name of the key that is capturing the information.

  • Instance Key Value: Displays the value of each key captured in the list.

Key Names and their Values

  • baseUrl: Displays the base URL that is defined in your Jira instance.

  • version: Displays the actual version of your Jira instance.

  • versionNumbers: Displays additional information regarding the instance’s version (if applicable).

  • deploymentType: Displays the platform that your instance is running on.

    • Since this is currently a cloud app, the value of this key should always be Cloud.

  • buildNumber: Displays the internal Atlassian build number.

  • buildDate: Displays the date and time stamp that is associated with your build.

  • serverTime: Displays the time of the server your instance is running on.

  • scmInfo: Displays information that is used internally by Atlassian.

  • serverTitle: Displays the Atlassian application name of your instance.

    • Since this cloud app is specific to Jira, the value of this key should always be Jira.

  • defaultLocale: Displays the location that your Jira instance represents. This value is determined during the initial instance setup process.