JSM Instance Info
The JSM Instance Info tab displays information regarding the actual Jira Service Management instance.
JSM Instance Key Name: Displays the name of the key that is capturing the information.
JSM Instance Key Value:Â Displays the value of each key captured in the list.
Key Names and their Values
_links:Â Displays the URL that calls the Atlassian REST API to obtain the information.
buildChangeSet:Â Displays the build change set number for you instance.
buildDate:Â Displays information regarding the last build pushed to your instance.
isLicensedForUse: Displays true/false value showing if you have subscribed to use Jira Service Desk in your instance.
platformVersion:Â Displays an alpha-numeric sequence that represents the platform version on instance is on.
version:Â Displays an alpha-numeric sequence that represents the version of Jira Service Desk you are running.