Archived Projects
The Archived Projects tab displays all of the archived projects in your Jira instance.
NEW PREMIUM FEATURE: Atlassian has introduced the concept of Archiving projects, but this feature is only available at the Premium tier or above.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The project list will only show projects that the resource executing it has permissions to access. Since this is an App dedicated to Jira Administrators, this should not be a major issue as resources at this level typically have access to all of the Jira project in the instance. However, there are cases where Jira Administrators are locked out of a project and in these cases those projects will be absent from the list. A good example are projects that contain highly sensitive data, such as a Human Resources or Security project.
Project ID: The ID given to the project at the time of its creation.
Logo: The image that is associated with the project.
This column is not sortable.
Project Name: The name of the project.
Project Key: The key that was given to the project at the time of its creation.
Project Category: The Project Category that the project has been assigned to in the system.
Project Lead: The Project Lead that is assigned to the project.
Template: The native template that was used to create the project (Software/Business/Service Desk).
Type: The Type of the project is either Classic or Next-generation.
Archived Date: Displays the date the project was archived.
Archived By: Displays the user that archived the project.
Details Area
Description: Displays the description of the project if one exists. Otherwise, it displays a default description.
Simplified: The is a true/false flag that denotes if the project is using a simplified template.
Private: This flag denotes whether the project is marked as a private project or note.