

The Workflows tab displays a list of classic workflows that exists in your Jira instance. The list will include both native and custom classic workflows.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to current the limitations of the Atlassian REST API, the list of workflows will not include next-gen workflows—only classic workflows.


  • Workflow Name: Display the name of each workflow.

  • Workflow Statuses: Displays a list of the statuses that are used in each workflow.

    • This column is not sortable.

    • NOTE: This list does not include transitions names or actual transitions from one status to another. However, those details are available below.

Details Area

  • Description: Displays the description of the workflow if one exists. Otherwise, it displays a default message.

  • Transition/Rules: Displays all of the transitions and transition rules associated with the workflow. Transition Rules include: Conditions, Validators and Post-functions.