

The Filters tab displays a list of all of the filters that have been created in your Jira instance. It also displays the owner of each filter and its level of visibility. This is another area that grows out of control quickly because each user tends to create several filters for various purposes. For example, if you have (10) users and each user creates (10) filters, you have (100) filters in your instance. Now imagine (500) users generating that kind of volume of filters.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The list of filters on this tab only displays filters that the Jira Administrator has access too, so the administrator must either own the filter, be a part of the project the filter is shared with or belong to the group the filter is shared with. Public filters are included in the listing as well as any filters that are shared with public-based projects.


  • Filter ID: Displays the ID associated with each filter in the Jira instance.

  • Filter Name: Displays the name of each filter in the Jira instance.

  • Avatar: Displays the avatar that is associated with the owner of the filter.

    • This column is not sortable.

  • Owner: Displays the name of the owner of each filter.

  • Shared: Display the level of visibility of each filter. The options are:

    • Private: Only the creator of the filter can see filters at this permission level

    • Project: Only members of the associated project can see filters at this permission level

    • Group: Only members of the associated group can see filters that use that specific group

    • LoggedIn: Any user that is logged into your Jira instance can see filters at this permission level

    • Global: Any user that has access to your Jira instance can see filters at this permission level.

  • # of Favorites: Displays the number of times the filter has been favorited by the users. Useful for determine if a filter should be deleted or not.

Details Area

  • Description: Displays the description of the filter if one exists. Otherwise, it displays a default message.

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